Financial disclosure: NONE.

WARNING: You should consult your physician before initiating these recommendations, ESPECIALLY if you are already taking medication(s) for Metabolic Syndrome disorders (such as diabetes, hypertension, and serum lipid abnormalities).

Humanity evolved consuming (by today’s standards) very low carbohydrate/very low polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) foods and secreting small amounts of INSULIN in order to survive when food was unavailable. However, in modern society we’re consuming far more carbohydrates and PUFAs than was ever possible for over 99% of human existence and this has turned us into “INSULIN-secretion factories” in a state of chronic inflammation, much to our detriment. You have the power to change that and be healthier. In the next section are the links to 25 videos, 4 scientific papers, and 1 book recommendation which contain information that could improve your health and change your life for the better.

First, here are SIX health and nutrition MYTHS we must confront and reject:

Myth #1: “A calorie is a calorie” – not exactly. Calories consumed from carbohydrates BY FAR are the largest drivers of hyperinsulinemia and Metabolic Syndrome, while calories consumed from fat and protein can actually reverse it. Also, while the human body can make all of the carbohydrates it needs, there are amino acids (building blocks of proteins) and fatty acids which are “essential” because your body needs them and cannot make them. That is simply NOT the case for carbohydrates – there are no “essential carbohydrates”. For these reasons, fat and protein calories are much better for our bodies than carbohydrate calories.

Myth #2: “I can lose weight by increasing my exercise regimen and/or restricting my caloric intake” – often untrue, at least not long-term. We’ve all seen people who exercise regularly and watch what they eat yet are STILL overweight and metabolically unfit – I used to be one of them! The “Calories In/Calories Out” model often does NOT produce long-term sustainable fitness because the human body is NOT a simple furnace, but a complex machine regulated by hormones like INSULIN. A great and efficient way to lose AND keep weight off is by getting your body to stop making so much insulin, as it is the major hormone which tells the human body to store fat. Control your insulin secretion and you can keep your body very fit and healthy. And the most powerful way to control your insulin secretion is by changing WHAT foods you eat and WHEN (both time of day and how often) you eat those foods. Strategies which allow you to curtail your insulin secretion include Low Carbohydrate/High Fat (LCHF) food consumption and Time Restricted Feeding (such as Intermittent and Extended Fasting).

Myth #3: “It’s natural, therefore it’s good for me”- often not true. Sugar is bad for health, even when you consume it in a “natural” fruit. One could eat “natural” fruits and become just as overweight and unhealthy as a person who eats candy because BOTH will trigger insulin secretion. For me, excessive fruit consumption was the biggest driver of my prior obesity and hypertension. This may be the case for others who never seem to achieve and maintain a high level of fitness despite “eating right” as their doctors and nutritionists have advised them.

Myth #4: “Margarine and vegetable oils are good for me; butter and saturated animal fats are bad” – THIS is one of the BIGGEST LIES ever told to us by nutrition experts. While “fruit oils” (avocado, olive, coconut, and palm) are generally healthy, vegetable oils are chemically extracted from plant seeds (such as soybean, corn, canola, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, and grapeseed) yielding oils with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels far higher than anything that exists in nature. For example, avocado oil and duck tallow are both 14% PUFA, while canola oil is 28% PUFA and safflower oil is 78% PUFA! It is the absurdly high PUFA content of the vegetable seed oils that makes them some of the WORST food products for human consumption because: PUFAs insert into and destabilizes cell membranes; and PUFAs break down into toxic aldehydes which cause mitochondrial collapse and DNA mutation. These destructive PUFA-mediated processes cause cellular and tissue injury, which the body may respond to with chronic inflammation. The ONLY thing consuming high-PUFA vegetable seeds oils has been shown to do is lower serum cholesterol. Which brings us to the next myth to be debunked.

Myth #5: “High serum LDL cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease; lowering LDL cholesterol prevents it” – the strongest scientific data shows both of these statements are patently FALSE. Serum triglyceride and HDL cholesterol are the important serum lipid markers, so much so that these are 2 of the 5 factors which define Metabolic Syndrome (the other 3 are hypertension, elevated blood sugar, and excess belly fat). LDL cholesterol is NOT. And it can not be overstated that LDL cholesterol has NEVER been shown to cause ANY disease, nor has LDL cholesterol even been associated with ANY disease in metabolically fit people who do not smoke cigarettes and do not have a blood clotting disorder. In fact, LDL cholesterol is a very important molecule which humans need to live! (see reference #18). Furthermore, high serum LDL cholesterol has been far more strongly associated with decreased mortality than low serum LDL cholesterol (see Facebook posts 1, 29, and 30 below). Therefore, for good health and protection against cardiovascular disease, the goal must be achieving and maintaining metabolic fitness, NOT lowering LDL cholesterol. For an excellent scientific survey and analysis of what actually DOES cause cardiovascular disease, I highly recommend you watch Dr. Mason’s video “The Hard Science on the Real Causes of Heart Disease” (reference #19), and read “The Clot Thickens: The Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease” by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick (reference #20).

Myth #6: “Plant-Based Diets are Healthier then Animal-Based Diets” – There is a vast amount of strong data directly contradicting this completely UNSCIENTIFIC concept, most notably large studies comparing animal-based diet populations to vegetarian populations demonstrating superior health markers in the animal-based groups. This is discussed in detail in References #s 30 and 31, and Facebook posts #s 26 and 27.

The GlucoPUFA Hypothesis of Chronic Inflammation and the “Diseases of Civilization”

I believe more than all other factors, CHRONIC HYPERGLYCEMIA and CHRONIC PUFA OVERLOAD are the primary triggers of Metabolic Syndrome and ALL of our Diseases of Civilization, such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, macular degeneration, and autoimmune diseases. It is a fact that consuming the foods recommended by the Dietary Guidelines almost inevitably causes us to dump both glucose and PUFAs into our bodies at levels that were IMPOSSIBLE for over 99% of human existence (see Facebook posts #s 2 – 5 below for more discussion of this hypothesis). But the good news is reversal of these disease processes may be achieved by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and PUFAs we put into our bodies. I call this Insulin/Inflammation Restriction Strategies (IRS) and it has done wonders for me, my wife, and many others.

I lost 70 pounds and cured my hypertension after I implemented IRS beginning in the summer of 2018; my wife lost 35 pounds (including 7 inches off of her waist) and cured her pre-diabetes; and we both remain physically, metabolically, and immunologically fit to this day. Our bodies stay in a such a low state of inflammation that we are completely free of the chronic muscle and joint aches and pains we used to always have before making these IRS lifestyle changes. Finally, in contrast to over 90% of adults, my wife and I have ZERO of the factors which define Metabolic Syndrome, and we DO NOT TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS to remain this way. As we discuss in a podcast interview (Reference #29), we’ve achieved AND maintain this level of health and fitness by following the 3 general principles of IRS:

1) Make less insulin by eating less carbohydrates and more saturated fat;

2) Make insulin less often through Intermittent/Extended Fasting/Time-Restricted Feeding; and

3) Make less inflammation by consuming only naturally low-PUFA fats from animal foods and fruit oils, NEVER HIGH-PUFA oils manufactured from vegetable seeds, nor ANY processed food which contains HIGH-PUFA oils.

Check out the links below and talk with your physician about giving IRS a try. If you are already diabetic, pay particular attention to reference numbers 23 to 26 which shows how you may be able to CURE your diabetes with IRS. If you have any “idiopathic” inflammatory condition (such as inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia), check out reference #27 which discusses oxalates and the potential role they may be playing in these conditions. Finally, for an excellent review of the science on the metabolic nature of CANCER, see Reference #28.

You should consider implementing Insulin/Inflammation Restriction Strategies today for better health!

Leon A. Bynoe, M.D.


1. “Lose weight and Reverse Diabetes” –

2. “Treating Metabolic Syndrome” –

3. “Therapeutic Fasting: Solving the Two-Compartment Problem” –

4. The Science of Time-Restricted Eating –

5. “Low Carb/High Fat: From Theory to Practice” –

6. “Vegetable Oils Being at the Heart of Modern Disease” –

7. “Disease of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?” –

8. “Vegetable Oils: The Untold Story” –

9. “Carb Addiction is not your fault” –

10. “The Quality of Calories” –

11. “Saturated Fat is NOT Dangerous” –

12. “Should You Be Concerned About High LDL-Cholesterol on a Low Carb Diet?” –

13. “Demonization and Deception in Cholesterol Research” –

14. “Why Fasting Bolsters Brain Power” –

15. “Is Fruit Good or Bad for You?” –

16. “Nutrition and Inflammation” –

17. “How Lectins Impact Your Health – From Obesity to Autoimmune Disease” –

18. “What is cholesterol?” –

19. “The Hard Science on the Real Cause of Heart Disease: Why You Should Avoid Seed Oils” –

20. “The Clot Thickens: The Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease” by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick –

21. “Why Your Doctor Thinks Cholesterol is Bad” –

22. “Why Your Doctor is WRONG about Statins and FAT” –

23. “Reversing Type 2 Diabetes” –

24. “Low Carbohydrate Nutrition for Type 1 Diabetes” –

25. “Ketogenic Diet for Diabetes” –

26. “Type 1 diabetes- how to control your blood sugar with fewer carbs” –

27. “Could oxalate overload be causing your symptoms? An interview with Sally K. Norton” –

28. “The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet with Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston College” –

29. “An Interview with Drs. Leon and Tamora Bynoe hosted by Susan Birch” –

30. “Studies of Nutrition: The Physique and Health of Two African Tribes” –

31. “Epidemiology of Ischaemic Heart Disease in India with Special Reference to Causation” –

Selected Personal Facebook Posts

1. “Vitamin D Deficiency and “Low T”: Symptoms of Cholesterol Deficiency? –

2. “The GlucoPUFA Hypothesis and why “Balance” is OVERRATED!!!” –

3. “Why Do Humans Make Insulin?” OR “Is It Better to Be a Fat or a Slender Diabetic?” –

4. “Pre-Agriculture versus Modern Domesticated Food” –

5. “The Radically Anti-Evolutionary Mediterranean Diet” –

6. “A Healthy Diet Makes You Healthy” –

7. “Why Exercise is Overrated” –

8. “The Biochemistry Behind Why We Get Fat” – 

9. “Why Insulin Restriction is more normal than “normal” –

10. “All About the Insulin: Why FAT is your FRIEND” –

11. “For Optimal Health and Fitness, Mind your TBSUs!” –

12. “Unprecedented PUFA Levels in Human-Manufactured Vegetable Seed Oils” –

13. “My Personal Journey” –

14. “No More “Yo-Yo” Dieting” –

15. “Insulin Restriction beats “Diet & Exercise”, and it’s not even close!” –

16. “What is a “Healthy” Cholesterol Profile?” –

17. “Show-Off” With A Cause” –

18. “Knowledge is Better than Willpower” –

19. “Why Eating Natural FAT keeps me FIT!” –

20. “Hypercholesterolemia” is NOT a Disease!” –

21. “Is High Serum LDL Cholesterol a Super Power?” –

22. “Health Priorities and Cardiovascular Risk Factors – Do the MATH!” –

23. “Why nutritional epidemiology is “Junk Science” –

24. “Obesity is NOT genetic!” –

25. “Do you want HEALTH care or do you want SICK care?” –

26. “Animals Beat Plants, and it’s not even CLOSE!” –

27. “Saturated Fat is your FRIEND!” –

28. “Penguins, Lions, Humans and the Importance of Body Fat” –

29. “The Utter Absurdity of Continued Acceptance of the ‘Cholesterol-Cardiovascular Disease Hypothesis'” –

30. “The Science AGAINST Lowering Serum Cholesterol” –

31. “Carbohydrate Dependence: When you don’t just LOVE Bread; You NEED Bread!” –

(Last updated April 3, 2024)

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Retina Associates of Coral Springs

1881 N.University Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33071